想買蘋果首款頭戴式耳機 AirPods Studio 可能要等等了。傳聞蘋果推出頭戴式耳機 AirPods Studio,蘋果已經下架第三方耳機和揚聲器「讓路」,但至準爆料紅巨星 Jon Prosser 卻對 AirPods Studio 能否準時在 10 月「Hi, Speed」發佈會亮相卻較為悲觀。他在最近的 Twitter 帖子引述消息人士指「AirPods Studio 量產工作未能在 2020 年 10 月 20 日完成,我(消息人士)推斷這耳機仍會在 10 月 13 日(美西時間)發佈,但要到 10 月尾甚至 11 月初出貨。
This leaves it open for announcement during the October 13th iPhone event.
It could also be possible that they’re released via press release at the end of this month.
Or pushed to the November event.
Personally, I don’t know which route they’ll take for sure.
— Jon Prosser (@jon_prosser) October 7, 2020
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Jon Prosser 雖然未知道蘋果的意向,但他從上述的消息推斷指,AirPods Studio 有可能在「Hi, Speed」發佈會發佈,但也有可能在 10 月尾甚至 11 月初以新聞稿形式發佈和發售。[the_ad_placement id=”ad2″]