最近飾演《星戰》系列大奸角黑武士(Darth Vader)的 David Prowse 離世,終年 85 歲。
在拍攝《星戰》系列之前,George Lucas 從一套 1971 年上映的電影《Clockwork Orange》發掘了 David Prowse,並讓他選擇飾演朱兒(Chewbacca)或黑武士,結果他選擇了黑武士。雖然 David Prowse 成為了黑武士,但 George Lucas 希望黑武士可以有更黑暗深沈的聲音,結果改由 James Earl Jones 進行配音。
很多人在 Twitter 悼念 David Prowse 逝世,有網民更上載了一段無配音的黑武士片段,還原 David Prowse 在《星戰》的「真正」演出。
So sad to hear David Prowse has passed. He was a kind man & much more than Darth Vader. Actor-Husband-Father-Member of the Order of the British Empire-3 time British Weightlifting Champion & Safety Icon the Green Cross Code Man. He loved his fans as much as they loved him. #RIP pic.twitter.com/VbDrGu6iBz
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) November 29, 2020
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RIP David Prowse, 85.
The man behind the Darth Vader mask and suit in STAR WARS. (He had earlier appeared as a muscle-man in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE)He spoke all of Darth Vader’s lines on set, but was dubbed by James Earl Jones in post production.
Here’s how he originally sounded pic.twitter.com/fAZLpzxtuk
— Rhett Bartlett (@dialmformovies) November 29, 2020
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願原力與你同在,黑武士 David Prowse,不,Anakin Skywalker。
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