有網民在 Twitter 投訴,暴雪停用了全部 4 個認證工具,企圖阻止用戶刪帳,不少用戶分享圖片顯示在刪帳時候出現了紅底白字「Due to too many attempts, Email Code/SMS Protect Code has been locked.」警告字句,無法刪帳。由於玩家因為反送中口號一事紛紛移除暴雪帳號,故網民以為暴雪不甘心,阻止玩家刪帳,但有網民指刪帳的人太多,令伺服器不勝負荷。
So now Blizzard have disabled ALL FOUR authentication methods to actively stop people from deleting their accounts. This is beyond disgusting. Spread awareness of this. #BoycottBlizzard pic.twitter.com/AyUiABgMXD
— Charlotte Mather (@Espsilverfire2) October 9, 2019
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@Blizzard_Ent ?
Regardless of using the SMS code or the authentication app I can’t create a request to obtain a copy of my personal data associated with my Blizzard account because both methods got instantly DENIED with correctly used codes.#BoycottBlizzard #FreeHongKong pic.twitter.com/ErWxkpR7eH— Gosetsu (@Gosetsu_EN) October 9, 2019
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Hey @Blizzard_Ent
I did a request for my data involving my accounts with you, am getting denied on authentication. From the first try, I get the message “denied. too many attempts”…
Wtf you on about?
— ch1ppz?????? (@ch1ppz) October 9, 2019
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ALLEGEDLY Blizzard has now shut down all four authentication methods which means people are unable to unsubscribe to their service. https://t.co/uIcm20n2Hf
— Mack (@_Kenziepuff) October 9, 2019
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不止如此,暴雪帳號用戶連改名也有問題,例如將帳號名稱改名「Free Hong Kong」之類的反送中口號,會因為違反「暴雪命名規則」被禁止。暴雪後來悄悄地回覆用戶,刪帳的申請渠道出現問題,現在進行修復工作,但玩家似乎不領情。
Our information regarding the deletion process is listed here: https://t.co/nKbQGDGGiK That said, there is an issue with the submission process that has prevented account holders from submitting the request. Our engineers are looking into this currently. ^AX
— Blizzard CS – The Americas (@BlizzardCS) October 10, 2019
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暴雪得罪全球玩家不是第一次,2018 年 Blizzcon 大會前傳聞《暗黑破壞神》推出新作,但到了大會,暴雪卻只發佈了與網易合作的手遊《暗黑破壞神:永生不朽》,玩家噓聲四起。
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