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Home > Apple > iOS 13.5 iPadOS 13.5 準 GM 正式版推出,專為戴口罩解鎖優化!

iOS 13.5 iPadOS 13.5 準 GM 正式版推出,專為戴口罩解鎖優化!


最新的 iOS 13.5、iPadOS 13.5 GM 版推出,GM 版即是優先提供給開發者更新的版本,GM 一般都是正式版。今次是 COVID-19 武漢肺炎後 Apple COVID-19 Exposure Notification API 的首個更新版本,最主要的更新在於當偵測到用戶戴口罩時,就會直接進入輸入密碼的介面,而非嘗試再以 Face ID 識別。


在 IOS 13.5 中,Apple 加入了新的優化制度,戴口罩導致 Face ID 解鎖失敗,就會顯示輸入密碼介面。只要戴著口罩,就會有 Face ID 的簡化解鎖過程,就算在通過 App Store,Apple Books,Apple Pay,iTunes 和其他支援使用 Face ID 登錄的應用程式進行身份驗證時,也可以使用。另外亦修復了用戶嘗試播放某些網站的影片時見到黑屏的問題,亦解決了共享表中可能無法加載建議和操作的問題。



同時 13.5 亦引入 Exposure Notification API 以支援公共衛生機構的 COVID-19 聯繫人跟蹤應用程式。當然這 Exposure Notification API則是為蘋果和 Google 聯合開發的 COVID-19 接觸追蹤系統而設計,方便各地衛生主管機關實作接蹤 App,這未必在適合於香港版本。而美國地區會加入緊急服務方面的新功能,當用戶撥打緊急電話時,可以通過緊急服務自動共享您的Medical ID中的健康和其他基本信息(僅限美國)。


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Face ID and Passcode

  • Simplified unlock process for devices with Face ID when you are wearing a face mask
  • Passcode field automatically presented after swiping up from the bottom of the Lock screen when you are wearing a face mask
  • Also works when authenticating with the App Store, Apple Books, Apple Pay, iTunes, and other apps that support signing in with Face ID

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Exposure Notification

  • Exposure Notification API to support COVID-19 contact tracing apps from public health authorities


  • Option to control automatic prominence on Group FaceTime calls so video tiles do not change size when a participant speaks

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Emergency Services

  • Option to automatically share health and other essential information from your Medical ID with emergency services when you place an emergency call (US only)

This update also includes bug fixes and other improvements.

  • Fixes an issue where users may see a black screen when trying to play streaming video from some websites
  • Addresses an issue in the share sheet where suggestions and actions may not load

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